Exclusive Private 2 hour Tour Per Person Rate:
With 4 paying adults the following prices apply for:
Youth.....$10.00 (ages 13-17)
Child.....$5.00 (ages 3-12)
Children 2 & under FREE
$180 Minimum Charge
Some guests want the whole enchilada and with the Exclusive Private Tour you get that in spades!
Your tour guide will take you on an unbelievable journey through our massive collection.
Thousands of items are on display, and you get to decide where to linger! Want to take a photo by an interesting and unique antiquity? NO problem! With an exclusive private tour you are able to get off the tram to do just that as well as get a closer look (some areas are off limits for safety reasons). As an Exclusive Tour guest, you will also be able to see some "behind the scenes" areas! Want to hear the music play longer? Just ask! How cool is that?
Exclusive Tours require a reservation.
• To schedule a tour, call our office telephone number: 866-970-8687
• Payment is taken in full by credit card for your exclusive tour when you make the reservation. This is what reserves your place on our calendar.
• Once an Exclusive Tour is booked there are no refunds given. However we are happy to reschedule your tour for any reason, including inclement weather.